So it's definately been awhile since I've written! There is a lot going on in my life! I'm moving home in a week and a half. I have a wonderful boyfriend. Let's see I guess i could put up some pictures and describe that.
This is Brylee and I. We've become really good freinds, through the ups and downs of college life!

This Is (in order from left to right) Ryan, Me, Alyssa, and Mccay on Halloween! Mccay couldn't find anything 80's, so he went with a banana..?
This is Ryan (boyfreind) and I at Twilight! It was a great move on his part to take me to see it!
This is Ryan and I at temple square looking at the lights for the first time in two years for the both of us!
Well I guess my life isn't really that intersting, but there is a little update on what I've been doing!