Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Week of School

This past week was my first week of my third semester down at Snow College! It was so much fun! I love all of my classes, professors, new friends, new apartment, and new roommates! I also loved catching up with all of my old friends from last year, although the majority of them either graduated and are on to big and better things or they left for their missions. The classes I am taking are Anthropology, Masterpieces of British Literature, Circuit Training (I've got to get some exercise), Psychology, and Spanish! I am so excited for all of my classes. I am taking 14 credits. I was taking 17, but I am dropping my art class because it is 6 hours a week and I would only get 3 credits for it. So it is not worth it to me. So the friends I've caught up with are Bradyn, Luke, and Danny. They were and are such good friends! Well on Thursday night elna and i went swimming and hot tubbing with some friends. We met these three guys that call themselves bean dip, bur, and jeezy. The initiated us into their little club called satte (can't remember the full name). Elna's club name is Precious, mine is Plush. The tried to call me gem or diamond, but I thought that was to crazy! Oh so on Friday night Elna, Luke, Bradyn, Danny, and I went to this stomp in Manti at Liberty hall. I guess they were trying to make it into a night club, but considering it was their first time and only like 50 people showed, it probably failed. Anyhow, we had so much fun! We were the only ones dancing for the majority of the time, although it was still so so so much fun! Well that is my first week at shcool, and now it is Sunday and I'm back in Sandy for Brayden Wards and Jake Finnerty's farewells! I'm sad but proud. Also I will have to post some pictures soon! 
That's it for now!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

list of things you might want to know

1. My name is Jesseka Kayla Verdine.
2. I am 19 years old..almost 20!!
3. I go to Snow College in Ephraim, Utah.
4. I love to dance.
5. Dancing through all the traffic lights with the music as loud as it will go with my friends is a favorite pastime. 
6. I Love to goof off. 
7. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip.
8. My favorite band is Jimmy Eat World. No question.
9. My favorite meal is spaghetti. 
10. I love movies.
11. I love music. 
12. I have blue eyes.
13. I have blonde hair.
14. I have freckles, and I love them.
15. I love comfortable shoes.
16. I'm not a fan of wearing dresses and skirts, but I do on occasion if they are comfortable, and of course on Sunday.
17. I love swimming.

...and that's all i can think of for now. 

Friday, August 8, 2008


Well my experience reading the twilight books was pretty much amazing! I absolutely loved the first book, but the second i got slightly bored with because of the whole Jacob part. I really just do not like Jacob. The third book was amazing and so was the fourth. Although throughout the fourth book i got a little bored, don't get me wrong I had an intense feeling the entire time of reading the book, but again when it was from Jacob's perspective I was upset. I guess I just do not like him. Well I don't want to ruin the book for anyone who is going to read it so i guess I just will end this! If you haven't read the books you must get on that! They're amazing!